Dating is good for you

Dating > Dating is good for you

Basic rules can be so obvious, they may ogod silly. Second, it offers an insight into who you are — you know, that honesty thing. First of all, how do you keep that type of spending up? The dangers of throwing money around are that youu makes you look cheap later, when you scale back your spending to accommodate your budget, and you never know whether your date likes you or your wallet. Besides, why add the worry about spilling red wine on your new outfit to the other stress of a first date? Why worry about clothes when there are more important things to worry about, like the broccoli between your front teeth or whether your date really likes you or is just being polite. Wear your happy, easy-to-wear, good luck, appropriate-to-wear clothes. Why add the temptations and problems of alcohol, especially if you have to drive home? Without a bunch of distracting noise, activity, or an audience, you can talk to and get a sense of one another. If your first date involves your parents, sibs, workmates, or people who know you and love you, the date is going to feel like an audition.

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